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Service Overview
With an understanding of how people think and learn, our team of experienced instructional designers and multimedia developers strive to produce and deliver the highest quality training for users. All of our training products are developed and facilitated by knowledgeable and experienced industry leaders. We’re committed to developing eventful, enjoyable and enduring E-Learning experiences that provoke knowledge transfer and leave a lasting impression on the learners’ brain.

How We Do It
We address business problems, not just training needs. With our Custom E-Learning and Course development services, we involve our clients in every step of the project development process. This proven method has yielded 100% satisfactory results. Because of our commitment to quality training, we meet with you to understand your business challenges and solicit feedback from all stakeholders. Our designers and developers are equipped with a range of development tools that allow us to build activities and interactions that place learners in situational contexts and create training that addresses specific performance gaps.

Why We Do It
Our solutions are geared towards addressing the major challenges of virtually every company. Geographically disbursed audiences, industries with high turnover rates, nature of business, changes in policy and procedure and smaller training staffs can affect performance in any job description. Low performance, whether its management, financial group, sales team, or help desk staff, can affect revenue and overall productivity within an organization. If your company or organization experiences any of these pain points, there is a training solution to help close the gap and shed light on the bottom line.

What We Do
No matter the learning solution, we’re committed to providing a learning product that renders “Eventful, Enjoyable and Enduring E-Learning Experiences”.

Our service delivery portfolio includes:

  • Custom E-learning & Course development
  • Device and Gadget Training
  • Simulations and Games
  • ILT course conversion
  • Cataloged Courses
  • Home Technology Training
  • Multimedia Development
  • Instructor-Led Training Development
  • One-on-One Computer Training
  • SCORM/508/AICC Compliance Consulting.